An inspiring seminar on the key-technical aspects of “Data Integration in IT industry-the real time scenario” was held for the budding Information Technology Engineering students, today 19 July, 2018 under the aegis of Department of Information Technology, as informed by Sri Vasireddy Vidya Sagar, Chairman of VVIT.

Information Technology Engineering discipline has plethora of opportunities for the skilled IT engineers, which is interleaved with all advanced streams of Engineering domains. VVIT always motivates its students to undergo many advanced workshops and imbibe the knowledge. Mr. SivaKumar Talluri, Technical Lead Manager, Enterprise Application Integration at Dignity Health, Phoenix, Arizona, acted as Chief Guest & Resource person for this seminar organized by IT department.

After formally inaugurating the seminar Mr. Siva Kumar Talluri, discussed at length the importance of scads of data populating at the World Wide Web. Mr.Talluri further illustrated the integration of these myriads of data, in various technological applications ranging from BigData Analytics, IoT, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Block Chain Technologies, Cloud Computing and etc. The opportunities in USA, add-on skills that prop up higher education aspiring students, were also interactively dealt with by Mr.Talluri in his speech. Mr.Talluri comprehensively answered various questions related to the technologies in real time scenario pertaining to data integration. He also suggested the students to do deep ground work in the field of their interest to excel. Sri Siva Kumar commended the efforts of VVIT for conducting this kind of guest lectures by the industry experts to make the students improve their awareness on real time scenario of Information Technology Industry.

Principal Dr.Y.Mallikarjuna Reddy, of VVIT, emphasized that their institute always conducts several advanced workshops, guest lectures and seminars on challenging technologies to spur the research & development attitude in the students. Dr. Reddy also said that this seminar is a boon for the students to orient themselves towards the advanced technologies.
Prof. Alla Kalavati, Head-IT stated that VVIT is always a step ahead in conducting this kind of seminars for the benefit of their students. She loyally mentioned that the Department of IT in VVIT is fully equipped with an intake of 180 students, owing to the importance and necessity of Information Technology Engineers in the near future. Dr. Kalavati also mentioned that the objectives of this seminar were successfully achieved.
Principal Dr.Y.Mallikarjuna Reddy along with Management members, HoD-IT Dr. A.Kalavati and other faculty members felicitated the Guest Mr.Siva Kumar Talluri as a token of respect for his scholarly session.
Principal Dr.Y.Mallikarjuna Reddy, Prof. A.Kalavati, HOD IT, all IT students along with faculty participated in this seminar.