1. Personal Information
Name |
Designation |
Professor |
Qualification |
Ph.D., M.Tech, B.Tech, SET, LMISTE. |
Department |
Information Technology |
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Phone Number |
9985372152 |
Scopus ID | author Id=57198856243
https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57198856243 |
Google Scholar | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=dLP27xwAAAAJ&hl=en |
ORCiD | https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8419-7386 |
Publons ID and Web of Science -AAW-9407-2021 | https://publons.com/wos-op/researcher/3948786/kranthi-kumar/ |
2. Academic Information
Name of the Degree |
Name of the College |
Name of the University |
Specialization |
(Ph.D) | --- | ALU | CSE |
M.Tech | DPREC | JNTUH | CS |
B.Tech | SKEC | JNTUH | IT |
3. Experience (Teaching/Industry/R&D)
Period |
Designation |
Name of Organization |
Experience |
From |
To |
1 | 2022 Augus | Till Date | Associate Professor | Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology | |
2 | 2021 Sep-16 | 2022 August | Assiatnt Professor | Dhanekula Institute of Engineering and Technology/CSE | One Year |
3 | 2020-June-15 | 2021 Sep 15 | Assistant Professor | Gudlavalleru Engineering College, Gudlavalleru. /IT | one Year 5 Months |
4 | 2016- May 29 | 2020 May 31 | Assistant Professor | Kallam Haranadha Reddy Institute of Technology, Guntur, JNTU(Kakinada)/CSE | Four Years |
5 | 2015-June | 2016 April 30 | Assistant Professor | NRI Institute of Technology, Guntur/CSE | One Year |
6 | 2014-June and 2012 May | 2015 May and To November 2012. | Assistant professor | Dr. Paul Raj Engineering college JNTU Hyderabad, Bhadrachalam/CSE | Two Years |
Patents: 05
Sno |
Title |
Application No |
Country |
Published/Granted |
1 |
Human detection and movement analysis from an unmanned Arial vehicle using deep learning techniques |
202141051539 |
Indian |
Published |
2 |
IoT Based Smart Dustbin |
2021103608 |
Australian |
Granted |
3 |
Intelligent Street Lamps in Smart Cities Based on The Internet of Thing |
202241000054 |
Indian |
Published |
4 |
An electronic device to control and supervision of electrical components |
Indian |
Published |
5 |
Night Vision Wi-Fi War Field Spying Intelligent Robot Using IoT- Based Technology |
202141053775 |
Indian |
Published |
4. Publications
Total Journal Publications: 21
Sci Indexed :03
Scopus Indexed: 11
UGC Indexed: 03
UGC CARE Indexed: 04
Sno |
Title |
Journal Name |
Month and Year of Publication |
Index |
Publisher |
1 |
An optimized generalized Adversarial System for predicting specific substructures in brainstem,
August -2022 |
1573-7721/1380-7501 |
SCI, Scopus, UGC Care, |
Springer |
2 |
Multi-sensor data fusion for an efficient object tracking in Internet of Things (IoT) |
Applied Nanoscience |
2190-5517 |
SCI, Scopus, and UGC-CARE |
Springer |
3 |
The importance of light-weight encryption cipher in restricted IoT systems to make intelligent technology safer for devices |
Applied Nanoscience |
2190-5517 |
SCI, Scopus, and UGC-CARE |
Springer |
4 |
Association of vaccine medication for the efficacious COVID-19 treatment |
22 February 2022- Volume-19 Issue-1 |
1708-5284 |
Scopus, and UGC-CARE |
Emerald |
5 |
IoT Waste Management and Alerting System with Arduino Uno
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research |
February 2020 Volume 9, Issue 02 |
2277-8616 |
Scopus, and UGC-CARE |
6 |
IoT Based Trash Collection Bin Using Arduino |
Journal of Critical Reviews |
Vol 7, Issue 4, 27.02.2020 |
2394-5125 |
Scopus, and UGC-CARE |
Innovare Academics Sciences Pvt. Ltd |
7 |
A Comprehensive Review on Sentiment Analysis Techniques and Machine Learning Libraries in Image Processing |
Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology |
1583-6258 |
Scopus, and UGC-CARE |
Association of Cell Biology Romania |
8 |
A Detailed Survey on Feature Extraction Techniques in Image Processing for Medical Image Analysis
European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine |
2020, Volume 7, Issue 10, Pages 2275-2284 |
2515-8260 |
Scopus, and UGC-CARE |
EJMCM, International House |
9 |
A Study on Evolving Technologies for Covid-19 contact Tracking |
Solid State Technology |
Issue |
0038-111X |
Scopus, and UGC-CARE |
PennWell Publishing Co. |
10 |
An Efficient Data Stream Analytics Model for Real Time Internet of Things (IoT) Applications |
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) |
Volume-8 Issue-6, March 2020 |
2277-3878 (Online) |
Scopus, and UGC-CARE |
11 |
“Smart Home using Internet of Things (IoT)”, |
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) |
Volume-8, Issue-6S3, April 2019 |
2278-3075, |
Scopus, and UGC-CARE |
12 |
Role of Convolutional Neural Networks for Any Real Time Image Classification, Recognition and Analysis”. |
Materials Today: Proceedings- Available online 2 March 2021 |
-------------- |
2214-7853 |
Scopus, and UGC-CARE |
Elsevier |
13 |
Criminal face identification system using deep learning algorithm multi-task cascade neural network (MTCNN) |
Materials Today: Proceedings- Available online 24 July 2021
---------------- |
2214-7853 |
Scopus, and UGC-CARE |
Elsevier |
14 |
Design and Implementation of IoT based flood alert monitoring system using microcontroller 8051 |
Materials Today: Proceedings-
-------------- |
2214-7853 |
Scopus, and UGC-CARE |
Elsevier |
15 |
Vbsgs: Design of Voice Based Smart Garbage System for Detection and Segregation of Waste– An IoT Application”, |
Tathapi (UGC Care Journal) |
Vol-19-Issue- 27-June-2020. |
ISSN:2320-0693 |
-------------- |
16 |
IoT Based Gsm&Gps Assistance Device for Blind People Using Arduino”,
Alochana Chakra Journal |
Volume IX, Issue VI, June/2020 Page No:1337 |
ISSN NO:2231-3990, |
-------------- |
17 |
Data Fusion Confusion in Internet of Things (IoT)”,
Alochana Chakra Journal |
Volume IX, Issue VI, June/2020 Page No:1337 |
ISSN NO:2231-3990, |
-------------- |
18 |
Influence of Big Data
International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research (IJLEMR) |
Volume 02 - Issue 04 || April 2017 || PP. 56-59 |
2455-4847. |
-------------- |
19 |
A survey on Internet of Things (IoT) |
International Journal of Advances in Arts, Sciences and Engineering(ijoaase), |
Volume 5 Issue 10 June 2017 |
2320-6144 (Online),2320-6136(Print). |
-------------- |
20 |
Enhancing Captcha based image Authentication for Email ID and Password”, |
International Journal of Computer Engineering in Research Trends (IJCERT), |
Volume 2, Issue 12, December-2015, pp. 1251-1256. |
2349-7084 |
-------------- |
21 |
“Electronic Voting Machine with Finger Print Using Arduino”,
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research (IJMER), |
Volume:9, Issue:5(4), May:2020. |
-------------- |
IEEE Xplore International/National Conferences: 05
Sno |
Title |
Conference and Year |
Indexing |
Publisher |
1 |
Data Fusion Method and Internet of Things (IoT) for Smart City Application |
3rd International Conference on Intelligent Communication Technologies and Virtual Mobile Networks (ICICV 2021) |
IEEE Xplore and Scopus |
2 |
Role of MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm for Providing Security to Low-Power Devices |
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS 2022) IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP22K74-ART; ISBN: 978-1-6654-1035-9 |
IEEE Xplore and Scopus |
3 |
Smart Agriculture Management System Using Emerging Technologies IoT, AI -A Study- |
International Conference on Computer Vision, High Performance Computing, Smart Devices and Networks (CHSN-2020) 28-29 December, 2020 |
Scopus |
IoP |
4 |
An Efficient Approach for Identification of Multi-plant Disease Using Image Processing Technique |
Computer Networks, Big Data and IoT Proceedings of ICCBI 2021 |
Scopus and WOS |
Springer |
5 |
Mobile Computing and Sustainable Informatics Proceedings of ICMCSI 2022 |
Scopus and WOS |
Springer |
Springer Book Chapters :02
Sno |
Title |
Publication Year |
Indexing |
publisher |
1 |
An Efficient Approach for Identification of Multi-plant Disease Using Image Processing Technique |
Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies 2022 |
Scopus and WOS |
Springer |
2 |
An Efficient Cross-Layered Approach Quality Aware Energy Efficient Routing Protocol for QOS in MANET |
Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies 2022 |
Scopus and WOS |
Springer |
5. Membership in Professional Bodies
Name of Professional Society |
Membership No |
Membership Info (Life/Fellow/Ordinary) |
1 | ISTE | LM130911 | Life |
2 | ACM | 1647507 | One Year |
3 | IAENG | Life |
Short Term Training Programs/Workshops/Seminars/FDPS: 31
Two/One Week FDPs: 08
1 |
2 |
Successfully completed Two Weeks FDP ON TECHNOLOGY ADOPTION AND IMPLEMENTATION TOWARDS SAMRT SOCIETY organized By IT Department From 4th -16th Nov 2019 Velagapudi Ramakrishna Siddhartha Engineering College, Vijayawada. |
3 |
Successfully completed six days FDP ON MULTICORE ARCHITECTURE AND PROGRAMMING organized By CSE Department From 26-31 Aug 2019 At RVR &JC College of Engineering Guntur. |
4 |
Successfully completed six days UNDER THE SCHEMA OF ELECTRONICS &ICT ACADEMY SPONSORED FDP organized by NIT WARANGAL at Kallam Haranadhareddy Institute of Technology on “Machine Learning “from November, 12-17, 2018. |
5 |
Participated in 5 Day Faculty Development Program on SALES FORCE CLOUD TRAILHEAD PROGRAM Conducted by ICT Academy on 22 Dec 2017 TO 26 Dec 2017 held at Kallam Haranadha Reddy Institute of Technology |
6 |
Successfully completed 60 hours of professional development for the Java Fundamentals and Programming by Oracle Academy on 11 August 2017 at VVIT GUNTUR. |
7 |
Successfully completed six days UNDER THE SCHEMA OF ELECTRONICS &ICT ACADEMY SPONSORED FDP organized by NIT WARANGAL at RVR &JC College of Engineering Autonomous on “Business Analytics “from March, 11-16, 2017. |
8 |
Successfully completed one-week Short Term Course on “Robot Design” during 15-19 July 2012 at Vijaya Engineering College, Khammam. |
Three/Two Day FDP: 07
1 |
Successfully completed three days DST SPONSORED workshop organized by Acharya Nagarjuna University Guntur on “BIG DATA “from January, 29-31, 2017. |
2 |
Successfully completed two days’ workshop organized by NRI Institute of technology JNT University Kakinada on “Project Expo “on December 2016 at NRI Institute of technology JNT University Kakinada |
3 |
Successfully completed two days’ workshop organized by Dr.Paul Raj Engineering College JNT University on “Android Phone “on 28th Sep 2013 at Dr.Paul Raj Engineering College JNT University |
4 |
Successfully completed two days’ workshop organized by Dr.Paul Raj Engineering College JNT University on “Cloud Computing” on 15th Oct 2012 at Dr.Paul Raj Engineering College JNT University. |
5 |
Attended a Two-Day Faculty Development Program on “INTERNET OF THINGS” Organized by Department of CSE from 06-12-2018 TO 7-12-2018 at ST. MARY’S Group of Institutes, Guntur. |
6 |
Attended a Two-Day Faculty Development Program on “DATA SCIENCE & ITS APPLICATIONS” Organized by Department of Information Technology from 28-9-2018-29-9-2018 at P.V.P Siddhartha Institute of technology, kanuru, Vijayawada. |
7 |
Successfully Participated three days A National webinar Intellectual property rights and patents a view from 10-12 August organized by IQAC cell Gudlavalleru Engineering College, Gudlavalleru. |
One Week Online Faculty Development Programme: 13
1 |
participated in the Five Day FDP on “IPR Awareness and Patent Prosecution” Organized by the Department of Information Technology,CMR Engineering College,Hyderabad from 06.05.2020 to 10.05.2020 . |
2 |
successfully completed an Online Faculty Awareness Program on “Outcome Based Education & NBA Accreditation” Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering of Rajgad Dnyanpeeth’s Shri Chhatrapati Shivajiraje College of Engineering, Dhangawadi, Pune-412206 during the period of 12/05/2020 to 17/05/2020. |
3 |
Successfully completed one week Faculty Development Programme on Latex & Technical Report Writing, 25-30 May,2020 Organized by Department of Mathematics, Kakatiya University Warangal,Telangana in Association with Spoken Tutorial, IIT Bombay. |
4 |
Successfully completed one-week Faculty Development Programme on PHP & MYSQL from 18-23 |
5 |
6 |
May,2020 Organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, JNTUH college of Engineering Jagtial, Telangana in Association with Spoken Tutorial, IIT Bombay. |
7 |
Successfully completed one-week AICTE Sponsored Faculty Development Programme on Blockchain Architecture Design and Use Cases from 24-29 August,2020 Organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Gudlavalleru Engineering College, Gudlavalleru. |
8 |
Successfully completed one-week AICTE Sponsored Faculty Development Programme on Blockchain Architecture Design and Use Cases from 17-22 August,2020 Organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Gudlavalleru Engineering College, Gudlavalleru. |
9 |
Successfully completed one-week AICTE Sponsored Faculty Development Programme on Blockchain Architecture Design and Use Cases from 10-15 August,2020 Organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Gudlavalleru Engineering College, Gudlavalleru. |
10 |
Successfully completed 8 days Faculty Development Programme on Hospital Management from 27 July to 3rd August,2020 Jointly Organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Information Technology ST JOSEPH INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY CHENNAI. |
11 |
Successfully completed one-week Faculty Development Programme on Cyber Security from 22-26 July,2020 Jointly Organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Information Technology Gudlavalleru Engineering College, Gudlavalleru. |
12 |
Successfully completed one-week Faculty Development Programme on Cyber Security from 22-26 July,2020 Jointly Organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Information Technology Gudlavalleru Engineering College, Gudlavalleru. |
13 |
Actively Participated One Week Online Workshop on Blended E-Learning from 6-10 July 2020, Organized by JNTUK College of Engineering Vizianagaram in Association with CSI. |