



Campus Life


Exam Cell





Rules & Regulations


  • The contest will be held on September 15th, 2017 in the Computer Laboratories at C Block. Contestants should meet at 9:30 for a brief introductory talk followed by a screening test. The contest proper will begin at 10.00 am - and end at 3.00 pm.
  • Code – A – thon will begin at 12:00 PM and end at 3:00 PM clock time.
  • All contestants are required to present a valid student identification card.
  • Contestants cannot bring any notes or textbooks to the contest room. Blank sheets of will be supplied.
  • Contestants are advised not to discuss the problems they are assigned with other contestants.
  • Referees will be assigned to observe teams throughout the contest and report any problems and/or violations of the rules to the Contest Committee.
  • Any violation of rules will subject to elimination of contestant.
  • Contestant will not be allowed to leave contest room once the contest is commenced.

Programming Environment

  • Each contestant will be allowed to use only a single computer and must write and test their programs on that machine, wholely within the contest room.
  • Contest will be held in hacker rank web site and will be made available on the eve.
  • Contestants may write their programs in whichever language they prefer. The following programming languages will be available.
  • Contestants may not seek hints and/or ask for leads during the contest. They may, however, submit questions about procedure and/or clarification, in writing, to the Contest Committee who will ensure that all contestants receive the same information as deemed necessary.

Evaluation of Contestants' Programs

  • All Contestants will be given the same set of problems to solve.
  • Each problem will have a specified point value. The more difficult the problem, the more points a correct solution will receive.
  • Programs will be tested by hacker rank website test cases.  
  • The Contest Committee will tally the scores for each contestant and publish a complete list. The Contest Committee's decision in all matters is final.


  • Rs 3000 /- will be awarded as first prize.
  • 2000 /- for second prize
  • Participation certificate will be given to contestants who have cleared coding round.



  • While every care will be taken in the preparation, grading and a judication of the contest, neither the Contest Committee, VVIT, Computer Society of India, nor any of the sponsors, may be held liable for mistakes or omissions howsoever arising.
  • The contest is intended to foster social, educational and intellectual goals. Contestants are expected to enter into the spirit of this and approach the contest as an enjoyable, fun activity.

Click Here for Registration

Route Map

Address and Phone

Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology
Nambur (V)
Peda Kakani (Md)
Guntur (Dt)
Andhra Pradesh

9951 023 336
9849 542 336