Electronics and Communication Engineering (Accredited by NBA)

 Rolling Shield Winners 2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16


The department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) was established during the inception of the institute in 2007 with an annual intake of 60 students. In the academic year 2009-2010 the intake capacity rose to 120 and in the year 2013-2014 it rose to 180.The department has a faculty student ratio of 1:15 as per AICTE norms .The average teaching experience is more than 5 years. So far around 2000 students have graduated. Every year our students secure placements in reputed companies like INFOSYS, TCS, TECH MAHINDRA, EFFTRONICS and VEDA IIT etc.

The department also offers two post graduate programs in VLSI& Embedded systems and Digital Electronics and Communication Systems (DECS) with an intake of 18 in each specialization. The major goal of the department of ECE is to produce highly knowledgeable, competent and resourceful young engineers who can perform well in a wide variety of job profiles. To achieve this goal the department is putting dedicated efforts in nurturing a strong foundation both in analytical and technological aspects laid down in the curriculum. It also provides ample opportunities to students to work on mini projects, develop communication skills, explore internship opportunities in industry and take part in national and international design contests.

The laboratory practical classes are conducted in a systematic manner, where complete plan is given at the time of commencement of the semester. The laboratories are well equipped with modern training facilities that cater to the requirements of the university syllabus. This department plays a vital role in training students of other branches of engineering too.

The department also encourages students to take up Graduate Aptitude Test for Engineers (GATE), Graduate Record Examination (GRE) during their final year so they can pursue their higher education either in India or countries like USA, UK, Canada, Australia etc.The department has an active ECE students’ forum where students learn to do projects and organize technical events like symposiums, paper presentations to inculcate a broader perceptive on the profession. These efforts have culminated in the form of placements in various leading industries and organizations.

About Head of the Department

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Dr. M.Y.Bhanu Murthy is Professor and Head of the Electronics and Communication Engineering Department. He obtained Ph.D in Medical Image Processing and Analysis from Acharya Nagarjuna University,Guntur. He received M.E in Applied Electronics from University of Madras, B.E in Electronics & Communication Engineering from Arunai Engineering College, Tiruvannamalai (Affiliated to University of Madras).

He has rich teaching experience of more than 20 years and worked in various prestigious Engineering Colleges in Andhra Pradesh. He has published many National/International Journals/Conferences and also is a reviewer of several top-tier academic journals.

Dr.M.Y.Bhanu Murthy also is a Senior Consultant, Blockchain Development at SECON-Shambhala Samatvam Pvt.Ltd., Bengaluru.

Dr.M.Y.Bhanu Murthy is a life member of ISTE & IAENG, Member of the Institution of Engineers, India & IEEE. He is the recipient of various National Awards for his Excellence in Teaching and Research.

His research interests include Medical Image Processing & Analysis, Blockchain Technology, Artificial Intelligence and IoT. He has organized FDP’s (Faculty Development Programs) for both teaching and non-teaching staff and conducted workshops, conferences at national level. He also acts as resource person for webinars, FDP’s and chairs conferences. He is adept in communication and problem solving.

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To produce globally competitive and socially responsible engineering graduates and to bring out quality research and education, generating knowledge in the frontier areas of Electronics and Communication Engineering



  1. To achieve self-sufficiency on all fronts to ensure qualitative Teaching-Learning practices.
  2. To provide quality education, student-centred Teaching-Learning processes and state of art infrastructure for professional aspirants hailing from both rural and urban areas.
  3. To impart technical education that encourages independent thinking, developing strong domain knowledge, contemporary skills and attitude towards holistic growth of young minds.
  4. Responsiveness to both local and global industry needs and creating opportunities through incubation and implementation of innovative programs
  5. To serve the community as disciplined responsible citizens in a rapidly changing and expanding global community.
  6. Evolving this organization into a centre of academic and research excellence.

CO-PO Matrix

S.No CO-PO Matrix
1 R16
2 R19
3 R20


CO-PO Attainment

S.No CO-PO Matrix
1 R16