

Covered area in

sq. m.

Name of the Laboratory

Total Equipment Cost




Electronic Devices and Circuits Lab


Electronic Circuit Analysis Lab



Pulse And Digital Circuits Lab


IC Applications Lab



Analog Communication Lab


Digital Communication Lab



DSP & Simulation Lab


Microprocessors & Microcontrollers Lab




Microwave & Optical Communications Lab










Research Centre


Total Area in sq. m.


Total Cost in Rupees


The Department is having well equipped physical laboratories to run the various UG and PG Programs.

Following is the description of laboratories.

1) Electronic Devices and Circuits Lab    

This laboratory is established with an aim to develop the fundamentals related to building blocks of analog electronic circuits. Experiments carried out include study of active devices like BJT, FET, UJT and switching devices like SCR, the design of basic circuits like rectifiers, amplifiers, oscillators and their applications etc. The laboratory is equipped with Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Regulated Power Supplies, Function Generators and many other electronic components. Students connect all experiments using bread board. This laboratory enables the II year students to gain practical experience in connecting and testing circuits with discrete components.

2) Electronic Circuit Analysis Lab

This laboratory has licensed software “TINAPRO” to design various electronic circuits like power amplifiers, tuned amplifiers, regulators, oscillators, feedback amplifiers. This lab also has both discrete components and hard ware trainer kits. This lab mainly focuses on the integration of computer aided simulation to circuits and implementing the same in the hardware lab also. This approach has the advantage that the students can compare the results which are obtained in hardware lab with the results of the SPICE models.


3) Analog Communication Lab

The laboratory is established with an aim to train the students in analog transmission/reception of signals and constructing circuits based on analog modulation techniques. In this lab, students also learn programming using MATLAB software.

4) Digital Communication Lab

This laboratory is intended to make students understand the use of digital communication systems in the field of communications. The laboratory is established with an aim to train the students in digital transmission/reception of signals and constructing circuits based on digital modulation techniques like ASK, FSK, PSK, DPSK and pulse modulation techniques like DM and PCM.

Communication Lab

5) Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab

Pulse and digital circuits is one of the core areas of electronics and communication engineering and constitutes the basic circuit in most of the electronic applications. This laboratory is intended to make students understand the use of different linear and non linear wave shaping circuits like clippers and clampers, switching characteristics of transistor, basic digital circuits, and various types of multi vibrators, time base generators.  

6) IC Applications Lab

This laboratory aims at imparting the knowledge required to design and verify different analog circuits based on operational amplifiers, 555 timers, PLLs etc. 30MHz Oscilloscope’s, 3MHz Function generators and Regulated Power Supplies etc. This laboratory is used to learn the various applications of Analog (Linear/Non-linear) ICs and their application. Also enables them to get familiarity with various linear ICs such as OP Amp (µA741) and Timers (SE/NE 555), Designing of clipper & clamper circuits, Design of multi vibrators & sweep circuits, ADC and DAC.     


7) DSP & Simulation Lab

This lab is intended to train students develop MATLAB programs for signal generation and their operations, convolution, correlation, Fourier transforms, Laplace transforms, Z-transform  etc.,
The Digital Signal Processing Laboratory supports teaching; research and consultancy work. This laboratory is equipped with DSP starter kits with the core processor being Texas manufactured Floating point / Fixed Point TMS320C6713 the associated IDE CCSTUDIO and licensed software “MATLAB 14B ”. This lab exposes the aspects of Digital Signal Processing and Digital Image Processing. Many of the algorithms and filter designing related to DSP are implemented using MATLAB software and then realized by programming TMS320C6713 Digital Signal Processor. In this lab, student can verify the functionality of linear & circular convolution, perform Digital IIR & FIR filtering, compute optimized FFT using TMS320C6713DSK. Students can also do profiling of implementation codes of the experiments.

8) Microprocessors & Microcontrollers Lab

The purpose of this laboratory is to enable students to write efficient programs in assembly language for 8086 microprocessor and to assemble and execute them using TASM software and as well as in 8086 microprocessor trainer kits.  Students will learn techniques for interfacing the 8086 microprocessor to peripheral devices   like ADC, DAC and stepper motor. As a result, they themselves can design and develop various interesting applications involved with microprocessor as well as complete microprocessor based system.
Microcontrollers are being extensively used in today’s industrial environment and research and development.  Therefore, students will learn to write basic assembly language programs and interfacing programs for 8051 microcontroller also.

DSPSimulatiion Lab

9) Microwave and Optical communication lab

In this laboratory, students are exposed to different microwave active devices such as Reflex klystron and Gunn diode, LED,LASER, passive devices like isolator, circulator, slotted section, directional coupler, horn antenna, attenuator and terminations etc., including frequency meter and VSWR meter for microwave signal parameter measurements. The laboratory is also equipped with fiber optic trainer kits and modules to enable the study of components of an optical communication system. This experience enables students to work on more than radar transmitters and receivers and modern day optical communication links. The applications of the measurements made in Microwave and optical communication lab are broadly in the areas of radar systems, optical communications and satellite communications at microwave frequency in X-band.

10) Embedded Systems Lab/ IoT Lab

In this Laboratory students work on ARM9, DSP board, I2C development board and USB analyser. The Students understand how to write the programs using C-Language according to the Experiment requirements using RTOS Library Functions and macros ARM-9 developer kits.
In IoT Lab students work on ARM Based Raspberry Pi 3, Micro Controller Kits, Arduino UNO REV3 (ATMEGA 328P) Micro Controller Kits, ESP8266(Wi-Fi module). This lab is used  for developing prototypes in advanced technologies with Innovative Thinking.

ES Lab

11) VLSI Lab

In this laboratory students are work on digital circuits using Verilog and VHDL, verification of designed circuits using simulator, synthesis of digital circuits, and implementation of designed circuits using FPGA.
The students can understand designing of logic circuits by using necessary simulator (Xilinx ISE Simulator/ Mentor Graphics Questa Simulator) to verify the logical / functional operation and to perform the analysis with appropriate synthesizer and then verify the implemented logic with different hardware modules/kits (CPLD/FPGA kits).


12) Research & Development Lab/Projects Lab

The department takes relevant measures to improve research culture among the faculty. The department is recognized as a Research Centre by Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada. The R&D lab is equipped with Software’s like Mentor Graphics, Xilinx System Edition, Keil uVision4, Arduino, emu8086, MATLAB R2014a, PSPICE student Version, Proteus 8 Professional. This lab is also used by 3rd & 4th Year UG students for research & Project work.