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About CSE Department

Department of Computer Science and Engineering has been successfully functioning since 2007. It offers B.Tech (Computer Science and Engineering) and M.Tech (Computer Science and Engineering). The initial intake for B.Tech CSE was 60 in 2007 and now it has grown up to an intake of 480 in 2024. It also offers M.Tech CSE with an intake of 18. Department also has B.Tech CSE for working Professionals with an intake of 30. Department is offering Minor in CSE also for the aspiring non-computer science branch students. Department has been conferred by JNTUK with University sponsored Research Centre for Computer Science and Engineering budding researchers. UG program of CSE department has been accredited by NBA up to Jun 2026 under Tier-I.

Department of CSE actively involved in interaction with leading technology domain Training & Development Industries. Department of CSE under VVIT, signed pacts in the form of MoUs with Google Code Labs, Infosys (Campus Connect), Microsoft (Campus Agreement), TechMahindra, SphereMe, InetSolv, Infosys-Spring Board, Solete, Virtusa and V-Technologies etc. It organizes Symposia, Exhibitions, Conferences, Seminars and Workshops for both students and faculty belonging to various Institutions & Research Centers across the Telugu states often.

The Department comprises of 5 fully Air Conditioned Computer Centers with 296 systems, state of the art computing facilities with sufficient power supply backup. Department hosts an Industry Sponsored Embedded AI/DL Lab, for aspiring students and faculty across the institute, for practicing their models on accelerated computing IoT kits. Many of the faculty Our students are placed in various top MNCs like Infosys, IBM, Tech Mahindra, Accenture, Mind Tree, Samsung R&D, Amazon, DBS, EPAM, PhonePay, BNY Melon etc., for deserving & esteemed packages ranging from 2.4 Lakhs to 28 Lakhs per Annum.

The Department of CSE takes care of Software & Hardware requirements of the entire Institute. The strength of the CSE Department is its Alumni, which adds a good amount of perception rating to the institute and department by being most illustrious. Department is committed to encourage students/researchers to carry out innovative research in the field of Computer Science & Engineering, keeping excellence in focus and deliver quality services to match the needs of the technical education system, industry and society. Department of CSE, INF and its allied are harboring ACM General and ACM Women chapters in the institute, to inculcate professionalism in students via weekly thick activities.

Students of CSE department are motivated to be innovative in their thinking while being strong in the Computer Science Core Knowledge. The department of CSE in specific and VVIT in general is committed to the all-round development of its students. In this regard, Google Developer Club, CISCO and UIPath campus student bodies are established which are led by certified campus student ambassadors. Faculty of CSE are always dedicated and devoted towards the comprehensive development of their students by training them physically through enough sports & games; psychologically through technical competitions globally. The department of CSE as a whole aim at the development of Ace Computer Science Engineering Professionals with ethical values & civic sense.



Providing quality education to enable the generation of socially conscious software engineers who can contribute to the advancement in the field of computer science and engineering.



  • To equip the graduates with the knowledge and skills required to enable them to be industry ready.
  • To train socially responsible, disciplined engineers who work with good leadership skills and can contribute for nation building.
  • To make our graduates proficient in cutting edge technologies through student centric teaching-learning process and empower them to contribute significantly to the software industry.
  • To shape the department into a centre of academic and research excellence.
CO-PO Articulation Matrix
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